
The Dino-Lite DermaScope® is an easy to use digital microscope that can make high quality closeup images and video of skin. These images go much further than the digital camera with macro lens that is common for this application. This is why many professionals are now using the Dino-Lite DermaScope®. The DermaScope® can be positioned on the skin – either with a water or oil lubricant – to look at and make a picture of a nevus or lesion.

DermaScope Polarizer

The Dino-Lite DermaScope Polarizer (MEDL4DW) allows the skin surface to be examined in detail and offers excellent image clarity. Adjustable polarisation and a selection of end caps offer the user unrivalied flexibility in a small handheld device.

DermaScope Polarizer HR

The Dino-Lite Dermascope Polarizer HR (MEDL7DW) has a 5 megapixel camera to capture sharper images with more detail, and features a built-in and fully adjustable polarization filter to greatly reduce the gloss effect of the skin.

DermaScope Polarizer 200x

The Dino-Lite DermaScope Polarizer 200x (MEDL4DM) has a 1.3 megapixel camera and a magnification of 10 to 70x and 200x. Also this model dermascope features a built-in and fully adjustable polarization filter to reduce the gloss effect of the skin.

DermaScope Polarizer HR 200x

The Dino-Lite DermaScope Polarizer HR 200x (MEDL7DM) has a 5 megapixel camera and magnifications of 10 to 70x and around 200x. Also this model dermascope features a built-in and fully adjustable polarization filter to reduce the gloss effect of the skin. The MELD7DM also stands out from the MEDL4DM by the sleek metal casing.